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Creating Websites You Can Flip

Website flipping isn't what it used to be, the market has become so saturated with cookie cutter websites that offer no real value. That doesn't mean that you can't get into this lucrative field. You will just have to work a little bit harder to convince people that your site has long term potential and that it is different from the standard site that might be sold on the internet. If you create sitewant to stand out from the rest of the herd on the internet when it comes to website flipping then learn to master these rules and you will be on your way to creating a real business from flipping websites.

  • Create value for your site:
When you go to some of the website flipping sites you'll see that most of the sites are so cookie cutter that you wonder what the creator was thinking when he put it up for sale. Did he put it up thinking that somebody would actually buy it? You do not want to be like these guys. Create a site that you are actually willing to put your effort into. Take the time to build a good design, add good content to it so that people see you are serious about this. If people see you invested time alone into your site they may decide to buy it. Also to add more value don't be afraid to hold on to the site for a while so you can increase its value.

  • Get your site ranked:
This is why I say to take a little time when it comes to selling your site. If you hold onto the site for a little while you will be able to get it to rank in the search engines. This in another thing people look for when they are deciding to buy a site or not.

Whatever niche you are in if it is a half decent niche it will have value to somebody. Getting it ranked will definitely help you to stand out from the crowd, startup sites that sell usually sell because of the unique design they may have. Someone will always be able to add value to a site that is already ranked, and you'll be able to flip this site for a lot of money.

  • Know where to sell:
Knowing where to sell is also important in making sure you get the best price. If you know where to sell you will insure yourself a profit on the time you spend building your site. Beware of people who will try to cheat you and steal your site. If you sell something on any one of these sites you want to make sure you get paid first. If you send someone your site information they can just take it and claim they never received it and there won't be much you can do. So be careful when you sell so that your experience is not bad on these sites.
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How Do I Get a Website - Advice

There are many possible answers to the question of how to get a website, because at least part of the solution will depend on your existing level of knowledge and experience. However, I will assume that anyone who needs to ask that question is a relative newcomer to the fields of web design and development, so this article is written with the intention of providing guidance for those with little or no technical knowledge.advice

Before diving into the world of website design, it is worth giving some consideration to what the purpose of your website will be. What you want your website to do for you will have some bearing on the kind of options open to you for creating it. What I mean is that if you only want a site in order to get certain information online and then tell people you already know where they can find it, there are fewer things to consider compared to the need for your site to attract large numbers of new visitors through search engines.

Apart from simple sites for families or friends, the need to show up in search engines and attract new visitors is usually the requirement for most websites, and certainly for business websites. Getting a few pages of information onto the web is one thing, but getting information online in a way that it will show up on search engines and be found by lots of visitors is something else. This 'something else' is known as search engine optimization (SEO) and is a separate, huge subject, but you need to at least be aware of it before starting on a website.

However you choose to create your website, there will be three initial stages to getting it up and running. First, you need to have your own domain name. This is a unique address on the internet where people can find your website. Next, you need a web hosting company to host your website for you. All websites are stored on computers by companies known as web hosts, and they provide a service which allows visitors to your site to download and view your pages and files at any time of day of night. This typically will cost a few dollars a month, and often includes a domain name in the package. Finally, you need to create the actual web pages themselves, which is the website design stage.

The way these three aspects interlink to give you your website is as follows: You create your web pages and upload them to the server of your web host. Your pages are now stored on the hard drive of the host's computers. When you have registered your domain name, you then tell your domain registrar to point the domain at the address of your web host's server, where your website is stored. So that anyone typing in your domain name will then be directed to your web host, where they will see your web pages.

Registering a domain name is extremely quick and simple and can be done with any one of thousands of domain name registrars. Finding a web host is easy enough, in so far as there is no shortage of them, though great care must be taken to find a reliable one, as well as one that offers a good value hosting deal. It is best to check recommendations and reviews carefully before signing up with a host. Of the three things involved in creating a website, it is the website design part that can be a bit more involved.

Clearly there are many experienced website designers who will charge you to design your site for you. Unless you are an existing successful business with money to spare for such things, this is unlikely to be an option, so you will need to find a way of doing this yourself. One option is to spend a long time learning the language of web design (hyper text markup language, cascading style sheets, etc) and do it from scratch. Most people simply do not have the time to invest in all that would involve, which leads us to web design tools that do not require any technical knowledge.

There are various website design tools available which are aimed at people who do not want to have to get into any strange languages or technical stuff. This type of tool is known as 'what you see is what you get', or WYSIWYG. My only advice in this respect would be to check reviews and avoid any free ones, which are notorious for creating awful code which will give you problems later on. A basic design tool is not going to give you any guidance in terms of how you should create your site to rank well in search engines, so you need to find out more about SEO before you start on your design.

There are some software packages available for creating websites or blogs which include absolutely everything you need to build a successful site, including hosting and search engine optimization functions. The best of these are not just about web design, but about building a site in the right way from the start, so that it will definitely attract visitors. These can be useful for the beginner as they offer a step by step approach which effectively holds your hand throughout the whole process. Take care to select an option which offers help and support whenever you need it, because you will definitely have questions, and without support it can be very hard to find the answers.
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What Effect Does Your Website Background Images Produce

There's no getting around the fact that websites are two dimensional. And, yet, we don't want our websites to feel flat and boring. So, we use graphical tricks to product a sense of 3 dimensions in 2-dimensional space. Background graphics are a very important tool for creating visual interest on a page, and yet, there is a fine line between background graphics that add interest and shape and background graphics that create confusion, instead.

Background Information: The Difference between a Background Image and an Inserted Image

Whether a website image is an inserted image or a background image is not in how the image is created; it's in how the image is coded. That means that any image can be used as either a background image or an inserted image. An inserted image is a page element with its own HTML tag:


A background image is a property of another page element. For example, an image that is used as a background for a whole webpage is coded something like:

<body background="ImageFileAddress.jpg">

It is a property inside the

<body> tag

An inserted image takes up room on the page, based on its size. Background images tile to fill a space, whether it's the whole web page or a table or a layer. If the image is larger than the space, it cuts off. If it's smaller than the page, it repeats until there is no space left. This feature can be used to create many effects that take the flat feeling out of a web page. In the example link below, the green stripes are created with a very small background image. You can isolate the background image for yourself, by right clicking on the background area and saving the background onto your computer.

The Choice between Background and Inserted Images

One factor in the decision whether images should be inserted or background images is whether the image provides content or just "look and feel." For example, a photo of a house on a real estate site is actual content because it delivers information about the house for sale. Conversely, the light green stripes on thecomputergal website only provide color and "dimension" to the page. Background images are also commonly used for borders, textured backgrounds, gradients and curves.

Inserted images can have "alt" tags which makes the images a source of text information to the search engines and to screen readers for people with visual disabilities. Background images don't have alt tags, but they really don't need them because they aren't part of the page content.

When Background Images Create Confusion (Dementia)

If the main purpose of a background image is to provide "look and feel," then the purpose of the background images isn't to draw attention to themselves, but to help focus the viewer's attention on the message, or content, parts of the webpage. That concept is easy to forget, as web developers try to show how clever they are with background images.

An example of a background image that added a sense of "dementia" to a web page was when a local site took a black-and-white aerial photo of the Missoula area and used it as a background image for his whole front page. The idea seemed very clever, as the image loaded, but then when the rest of the page loaded, the page content covered the aerial photo making it a confusion of lines that peeped out here and there behind various content areas of the page. The lines of the image pulled the viewer's eyes away from the content in trying to find a concept on the page. The problem was that the photo was trying to scream its own message behind the content areas.

A similar case is where someone takes their logo or a product photo and tiles it, as a background image, on their web pages. A logo has its own message. It should be an inserted image. Otherwise, the lines in the logo or product confuse the message instead of supporting it. Instead, use a background texture that supports your message or the personality of your pages. For example, a western clothing store could use a leather texture on the page, instead of a tiling cowboy hat.

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Learn How Adding Social Interaction to Web Sites Can in Turn Increase the Overall Revenue!

The Internet plays an important role in the way a business works online in the recent years. More and more business people are using the power of the Internet to showcase their product or services in a professional way which in turns spells more revenue for the company. A web site is now a powerful tool that can be used in many ways, not just to establish a brand identity, but even to generate sales.

A website thus plays a powerful role for business persons worldwide. Knowing and understanding the strength of this medium requires an in-depth knowledge. A well-designed web page is not just enough to generate interest amongst users. A look at competing websites will reveal the kind of ideas and concepts being utilized to be seen and heard from the crowd.

What is needed for a successful web page apart from a well-designed layout is interaction with the site visitors that help users interact amongst each other and with the web site owner. The main aim of social interaction is to increase the time users spend on a web site and keep them engaged for a longer time. In today's era, it is not just enough to have a website; social interaction is of utmost importance. There is a need to talk to users directly and interact with them. Interaction with them helps to know what the users are expecting from the web site and also know if the web site is fulfilling the expectations of users..

It is important to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for interactions before employing it on a website. One needs to review how interactivity delivers value to web sites or web applications. There are certain parameters that can help to calculate the ROI for interactivity on a web site. Based on the type of web site, these parameters may differ.

For example, for an ad revenue generating site, the parameters include the number of site visits, page visits and views; the average time a user spends on a web page, the CTR (Click Through Rate) per page visit etc. By adding interactivity to web pages, site visits, the time spent on a web site and other such factors are increased by a significant amount.

With the use of social interactions, an ad revenue generating site can yield an ROI of 211% with 3 months payback period.

Details of how these calculations have been arrived at can be seen in the ROI for Interactivity white paper. This white paper provides a complete framework that helps web site owners know and study the evaluation of the ROI by employing various types of interactions. It assists professionals in calculating the ROI for their web sites and make well-informed decisions for a cost-benefit tradeoff for an interactivity solution.

The white paper also provides framework on how a tech support site could yield an ROI of 313% with a 4 months payback period; or a product web site could yield an ROI of 1200% with 1 month payback period.
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Beginners Tip - Website Design

If you are looking for a tip, web design is something that many people need to work on to create the most easily read site possible. I am constantly surprised at how many people fail to follow these tip. Websites are meant to be viewed, so it is important to make that as easy as possible for your visitors.

  • First of all, you should ensure that the text on your site is easily read.
You should use a universal text like Arial or Times New Roman for the majority of the text on your site. Save the fancy or swirly text for things like headings or titles. Try to keep the bulk of the text at a size that is easily read, like 12 point font.

  • Reduce the size of the images on your site,
and this will make your site load a lot faster on slower machines. Nobody likes to sit on a site for any length of time to allow large photos and graphics to load. Try to keep pictures smaller so your site does not frustrate people.

  • Fill your site with fresh and unique content
so that they are getting value from your site. If you copy and paste content from other sites, what will make visitors want to visit you?

  • Test all links before you put your site live.
If you have online forms, make sure they work. A properly functioning site is a beautiful thing, and dead links can be the downfall of a great site.

These are some of the easiest tip. Website designs should be easy to follow, navigate, load and read for every visitor. Going through this checklist will make it easy for you to ensure that your site is always working as best it can be, and your visitors will surely appreciate it.
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